

普通だと思っていたら、異世界では「チート」でした!? 異世界に落ちた普通の高校生・太一と凛は、人々が驚く「チート」な魔力を持つ魔術師(マジシャン)に生まれ変わっていて……。「小説家になろう」で大人気の異世界ファンタジーをコミカライズ! As regular high school students Taichi and Rin disappeared in a beam of light. When they came to, the two of them were already in a world of swords and magic. Finally getting away after experiencing an attack by monsters, following the suggestion of adventurers they headed on the path towards the guild. In the guild, the two of them found out that they possessed unbelievably powerful magic. Thus the regular high school students transformed into the strongest cheats…
