

宝石姫と称される美しい妹と、妹ばかり溺愛する両親。そんな家族のもとに生まれた伯爵令嬢シェリルは、努力すればいつかは愛されると信じ、今日まで生きてきた。だが、そんな彼女に告げられたのは「妹の代わりにお前が死ね」という父からの宣告。王命により妹と冷酷な辺境伯の縁談が決まったので、シェリルが身代わりとなり辺境領へ向かい、道中で魔物に襲われて死ぬように命じられたのだ!予定通り魔物に襲われるシェリルだが、死を覚悟した瞬間、燃えるような赤い髪の青年ーー婚約者である辺境伯に命を救われて…!? I was always loved by my younger sister and had no place at home. One day, my sister received a royal order to marry a frontier count who was rumored to be ruthless. My father, who loved my sister, said to me, “You will marry into the frontier count’s territory instead. But on the way, the carriage will be attacked by demons – you will die.”As planned, I was attacked by demons, but the one who rescued me was the ruthless Count of the Frontier, a beautiful man with bright red hair and sharp golden eyes…
